Our goal is to ensure the level of service you receive is unmatched. Our professional team is highly trained in the technical and professional aspects of managing your technology.
Our owner, is personally invested in making sure your business is a success. He ensures that every interaction with your business follows the below company values.
Systematic Approaches
Using best-of-breed systems allows Tech Ops 360 to quickly and reliably make upgrades and changes to your network without excessive downtime, or unexpected problems.
Our team are well presented and trained to communicate with you on a business level, with no ‘tech speak’.
The Highest Level of Service
We go above and beyond to ensure your staff are thrilled with our service, response time, and follow-through.
Open Transparency and Communication
Any outages, upgrades or changes that we implement, will be planned and announced well in advance to ensure that you are not inconvenienced or surprised when we walk in the door.
We work hard to ensure that any issues are resolved before you even notice
We Work With Your Office Team
We coordinate with your assigned office manager to plan upgrades, patches and so on
We Plan Ahead
Everything is setup, configured and tested to ensure it works right the first time